Victoria Jackson Speaks Truth To Power

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Down is Up, Unfair is Fair and Ignorance is Bliss
I woke up in the middle of the night and realized the trick.

You see, evil doesn’t just show up. It disguises itself as something nice; so you’ll let it in. It tricks you.

Murdering babies is called Pro-Choice. Unfair Censorship is called The Fairness Doctrine. Outlandish Taxes and the Death of Freedom is called Cap & Trade. Sounds like Fish & Chips. You gotta figure out the trick.
Victoria, I think you're absolutely correct. Hitler was a statist. Stalin was a statist. Obama and today's leftists (masquerading as "liberal") are statists. They all place the sovereignty of "The State" over the individual. They all eschew individual liberty. If that means you or I need to do without electricity for 10 hours a day - so be it. If that means the State needs 99% of your income in order to "do good" - so be it. If that means a baby, or the sick, or the old need to die for the good of the State - so be it. They won't ever say it in such blunt terms, but that's what their "welfare" and "choices" and "compassion" boil down to.

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