When Liberals Attack... Each Other...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Isn't it funny how liberals always end up apologizing for actions that they normally lay at the feet of conservatives?

New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D) apologizes for using N word
New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney, a Democrat, apologized Monday for using the N word in a recent interview while recounting a phone call she had received.

"I apologize for having repeated a word I find disgusting," Maloney said in a statement. "It's no excuse but I was so caught up in relaying the story exactly as it was told to me that, in doing so, I repeated a word that should never be repeated."

Maloney, who is challenging Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand for the 2010 Democratic Senate nomination in New York, used the full racial slur in an interview with the Web site City Hall while taking aim at Gillibrand's record.

"I got a call from someone from Puerto Rico, said [Gillibrand] went to Puerto Rico and came out for English-only [education]. And he said, 'It was like saying n—r to a Puerto Rican,'" Maloney said. "I don't know-I don't know if that's true or not. I just called. I'm just throwing that out. All of her-well, what does she stand for?"
Fascinating isn't it?

Unrelated Side Note

RE: Puerto Rico ~ Get IN or Get OUT. This "Commonwealth" B.S. is getting old...

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