A Comment I'm Particularly Proud Of
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Here's a comment that I posted on a thread about the Tampa Town Hall meeting. It was in response to the usual hysterical liberal comments.
Some thoughts.
A lot of people are happy with Medicare & Medicaid. Both are rife with fraud and overages. Between Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security etc., we are in the red to the tune of $53 BILLION. What's more, neither Medicare nor Medicaid pay 100% of anything. What they don't pay are passed on to people with private insurance or can pay for themselves. Instead of adding a few trillion more in debt, why not reform what we have so it meets our needs?
It's abundantly clear that Obamacare isn't about providing health care. If health care was such a high priority that we need it NOW, why wasn't it addressed in the porkulus bill? How many people could have been helped with that $800 billion? How about the bailouts of the auto companies? That was supposed to prevent them from going bankrupt and they went bankrupt anyway. How many people could have been helped with the money spent on the CARS program? Seems to me that the alleged 47 million without insurance got to take a back seat to Chairman Obama repaying the unions and trial lawyers who spent beau coup cash to get him elected.
If health care is so important, why didn't it just get passed? The libs love to crow that they have all the votes in Congress. What stopped them?
Many have whined and blamed Republicans, but the REALITY is that there are plenty of Democrats in the tea party groups. There's plenty of Democrats opposed to Obamacare. Libs are calling us "racist", but that would have to include the blacks, Hispanics, Asians etc. who are opposed to this. What kind of sense does that make? Either that's the only talking points you know, or you have such a limited worldview and the reality just doesn't fit the template you or somebody else has created.
Libs keep popping off about the insurance companies paying people to oppose Obamacare. Problem is, they just can't provide any evidence or even name the companies involved. One would think that if they were so sure of it, they would be able to do so with ease. Oh and those eeeeeevil "Big Corporations" are the ones who hire, pay and provide health insurance to millions of Americans. Shoot your mouth off about them like the Big Idiot In Chief does and they start laying off people or cutting back on benefits because they want to make sure they can afford the punitive taxes to come.
Many complain about a lack of democracy and people can't get informed. How can you become informed if you're not allowed access by union thugs? I've talked to several people here in the Tampa area who were there. They said there were no problems until people were denied access to what was going on in the conference room. Wouldn't you be pi**ed off if you went to one of these things and were told you weren't allowed to participate? How does one get informed when the meetings are full of union thugs?
Oh and those rich you keep trashing? They're the ones who pay the most taxes. They also provide jobs, salaries, insurance etc. In reality, when you rail about the rich and eeeevil corporations, you're railing against jobs, salaries and insurance.
I could have gone on, but I'm tired.