Go FLAG Yourself!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Flag Yourself Campaign: From Steven Crowder at Big Hollywood
Dear White House Snitch Commissar (flag@whitehouse.gov),(Original found at ALIPAC Forums thanks for the inspiration!)
I wish to turn myself in. I have negative feelings and thoughts about the health care legislation which means I obviously have no idea what's good for me. I realize now that I should leave highly personal health care decisions to the federal government instead. While I'm at it, I should also admit that I was and still am against the stimulus. I admit now that the federal government will probably spend my money better than I ever could.
I'd also like to turn in my friends and relatives, from whom I have heard what you have called "disinformation," directly contradicting what the administration has been telling us. They embarrass themselves with their blatant opposition to President Obama and the Democratic Party. They flaunt their First Amendment rights as though they are unalienable!
While I'm at it, I should mention that my pharmacist was saying negative things about the health care legislation. I also heard two ladies discussing it at the grocery store the other day with obvious reservations. I didn't get their names, but the store is in Greenville on Verdae Boulevard. My dentist, hair stylist and even a few neighbors have all been saying how they think the legislation is a bad idea. It's all been in casual conversations, but I think that counts. I don't think my dog is wild about the plan either, but she drinks from mud puddles so I'll cut her some slack.
I wish to thank you for what you're doing. People who have no idea what's good for them may never admit it, so turning them in is really the only option. According to recent polls, around 52% of the United States' citizenry are such people, so you've got a lot of work to do.
Good luck.
Kevin Palmer
Greenville, SC