Speaking of Liberal Lies...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

(Posted at QNA Refugees)

They can't find evidence on the right of racists and violent acts so they have to stage their own. To whit:

Black man pleads guilty to posing as a "white supremacist" threatening to kill blacks:


Note the Associate (with terrorists) Press credit in the dateline before you get all pissy about Fox News.

Transgender radical gay vandalizes Denver democrat HQ:



The death threat against Rep. Baird (d, WA) turns out to be BS:


Folks with signs with Obama as Hitler turn out to be liberals:



Remember the fake noose incidents on college campi?


Remember the PMS-NBC-BS story about "racists" with assault weapons, nevermind said racist was black?

Remember Mike Nifong and the Duke Lacrosse Players?

So when liberals start squealing like Ned Beatty about people on the right being violence prone racists, your best bet is to really look at the ones making the allegations. You'll be smarter for it.

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