Build Parking Lots, Not Nations...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Obama Begins Campaign to Throw Gen. McChrystal Under the Bus
... we find ourselves staring in the face of military defeat in Afghanistan, which will lead to a cascading series of events up to and including a collapsed Pakistan followed by an Islamofascist war against India run out of Islamabad.
Al Qaeda's Diminished Role Stirs Afghan Troop Debate
Al Qaeda has a diminished role? I thought we just lost eight American troops. I guess Al Qaeda is diminished as much as the recession.
I've never been a fan of long wars or nation building. We should have just nuked the whole of Afghanistan on September 12th. I don't mean that as hyperbole. We are at war. In a war you break and vaporize things, and kill people.

ht: American Power

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