A Few Other Nobel Peace Prize Winners

Friday, October 9, 2009

In all fairness to the committee, it is an odd and eclectic bunch:

Martti Ahtisaari - Hey, he brought about peace...

Muhammad Yunus - Yep... did something...

Wangari Muta Maathai - Ditto... she has some accomplishments under her turban...

Médecins Sans Frontières - No placebos here...

Yasser Arafat - Not necessarily "peaceful", but you can't say he was all talk and no action...

Mother Theresa - Did a few good things... despite being a Christian!

Martin Luther King Jr. - Did more than dream...

I have a few suggestions for other Nobel awards:

Paris Hilton: Chastity

Roman Polanski: Decency

Rachel Maddow: Femininity

Kayne: Introspection

G.W. Bush: Elocution

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