The Jihad Circus Is Coming To New York City

Friday, November 13, 2009

Holder Announces Plan to Send Alleged Sept. 11 Conspirators to New York Court
Mohammed and the four others -- Waleed bin Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi and Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali -- are accused of orchestrating the attacks that killed 2,973 people on Sept. 11, 2001, and will now be tried in a courtroom down the street from the World Trade Center.
If they can beat the rap there, they can beat it anywhere! Does the administration have any idea what a farce these trials are going to be? Unfortunately they probably do. They just don't care. They're treating monsters who made war on the USA as common criminals. Why not just charge them with jaywalking, slap'em on the wrist, give'em their green cards and sign'em up for that good ol' free health care? Uh! I take that back! I don't want to give Obama any ideas.
Usually the nonsense liberals spout is kind of cute, but in wartime their instinctive idiocy is life-threatening. ~ Ann Coulter

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